You can double or tripe this recipe or make half quantity; the flavor mellows if it is prepared 12-24 hours in advance. Here is the chance to display your grandma’s cutglass trifle bowl.

Serves 6
1.35 kg/3 lb fresh strawberries, hulled
Grated rind and juice 1 orange
4 tablespoons Grand Marnier, Curaçao or other orange liqueur
2 tablespoons Cognac
1/3 cup tablespoons sugar, or to taste
375 ml/1½ cups heavy cream

1. Hull the strawberries and crush them with a fork, adding the orange rind and juice, orange liqueur, Cognac, sugar to taste (the amount needed depends on the sweetness of the strawberries) and stir until the sugar is dissolved.

2. Stifly whip the cream and fold in the crushed strawberries. Spread the mixture in a bowl. Cover tightly and chill at least 6 hours, or up to 24 hours.