SOCCA FROM PROVENCE Traditional to Provence are Socca, thin pancakes based on chickpea flour and mixed only with water and a spoonful of olive oil. Leo has recently learned to make them and his skills are much in demand in hot weather down at the Mas where outdoor snacks are always welcome. Possible flavorings for

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AUNT LOUIE’S YULE BREAD Grandma loves Yule bread for breakfast, toasted or plain and spread with butter, though in its native Yorkshire it is served for afternoon tea. This is another recipe traditionally kneaded by hand as a warm touch helps the yeast rise! This large loaf serves 8 1½ cups/375 ml water 2/3 cup/90

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Fat Rascals

In my childhood, Fat Rascals were a favorite of mine, currant-spiked buns resembling a sweet scone but with more butter. The dough is mixed just like scones.  Rascals are best eaten very fresh, perhaps warm from the oven. Ingredients: 2 cups/250 g flour 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 cup/125 g butter, diced 1/3 cup/75

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Provençal Flat Yeast Bread (Fouace)

Provençal Fouace, also called fougasse, is closely related to Italian focaccia. Both are flat breads, often flavored with such Mediterranean ingredients as chopped olives, garlic, herbs, grated citrus zest, or sun-dried tomatoes, and the dough for both is laced with nearly double the usual amount of yeast, so it rises rapidly, giving the bread an open, airy texture. Fouace is found in many shapes, too, including rounds, ovals, rectangles, wheels slashed with spokes, and this rustic leaf design.

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Aunt Louie’s Yule Bread

Yule Bread is delicious for breakfast, toasted or plain and spread with butter, though in its native Yorkshire it is served for afternoon tea.

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