“This authoritative volume, which reminds us of our culinary heritage, is like a breath of fresh air….a most rewarding read…” — Christopher Menz in Australian Book Review

I was so happy to see a review of The Cookbook Library in October’s Australian Book Review. It’s nice to know that the book is being read round the world, and especially in one of my favorite countries. It’s a shame the review isn’t available online, but here’s an excerpt below.

This is a most sophisticated production from the University of California Press, printed on good matte cream paper, with generous margins and attractive typefaces. The carefully selected illustrations are in black and white, with no garish colour plates on glossy paper intruding upon the elegant design. Since the volume ends with the early nineteenth century, most of the images reproduced here were originally black and white woodcuts or engravings, so this is entirely appropriate. There are enough images of kitchens, cooks, table designs, and text pages to give a sense of the original publications. The extensive bibliography will no doubt form the basis of desiderata for a new generation of collectors, either of originals or of the increasing numbers of quality facsimiles. — Christopher Menz, Australian Book Review

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“This authoritative volume, which reminds us of our culinary heritage, is like a breath of fresh air….a most rewarding read…” — Christopher Menz in Australian Book Review
I was so happy to see a review of The Cookbook Library in October’s Australian Book Review. It’s nice to know that the book is being read round the world, and especially in one of my favorite countries. It’s a shame the review isn’t available online, but here’s an excerpt below.
This is a most sophisticated production from the University of California Press, printed on good matte cream paper, with generous margins and attractive typefaces. The carefully selected illustrations are in black and white, with no garish colour plates on glossy paper intruding upon the elegant design. Since the volume ends with the early nineteenth century, most of the images reproduced here were originally black and white woodcuts or engravings, so this is entirely appropriate. There are enough images of kitchens, cooks, table designs, and text pages to give a sense of the original publications. The extensive bibliography will no doubt form the basis of desiderata for a new generation of collectors, either of originals or of the increasing numbers of quality facsimiles. — Christopher Menz, Australian Book Review