Our cheese tasting was more than generous! Here, from the 12 o’clock spot, we have a fresh cheese, Brillat-Savarin, Coulommiers, Sainte-Maure de Touraine, Epoisses, and Roquefort.

When running a store, it’s tough to keep cheese in top condition, and Vin Goat in Corona del Mar, has some of the best cheeses I’ve seen in the States. John and Erich, the store’s owners, are clearly great at their jobs. Our recent tasting event included a perfectly runny Coulommiers. My assistant Elizabeth and I were lucky enough to run away with some ourselves! A shame that Vin Goat isn’t near us in Santa Monica.

I first met Vin Goat proprietor John Bennett (center) in Kansas City years ago. He and co-owner Erich Vogel couldn’t have given me a kinder introduction to their store in Corona del Mar.

Erich, me, and John smiling away after a successful event!